Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani
A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytaan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem
Dastoor ya sayyidi madad
Nawaytu'l-arba`een, nawaytu'l-`itikaaf, nawaytu'l-khalwah, nawaytu'l-riyaada, nawaytu's-salook, nawaytu'l-`uzlah lillahi ta`ala fee hadha'l-masjid'
In every suhbat, Professor, you have to know that we are nothing in the presence of our Shaykh. They are everything and we are nothing. If they want us to be something they turn us to be something; if they don't want to, even if you try to speak one hundred times, what comes? It is as the Prophet (s) said, "That doesn't move more than beyond your throat." - It doesn't give light. In every suhbat, irshad, with guidance there is light. With a lecture there is no light. A lecture, as you said before, is knowledge of papers. Guidance is knowledge of taste. So anyone who sits and speaks on behalf of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, may Allah swt give him long life, is going to be like a radio; only a box that this transmission comes out of and he speaks through that person.
And that person must have his radio working. You cannot have a radio without…what do you call them, these small electronic chips? If one of these electronic chips is burned out, then the radio will not give any sound. [Received sms alert on Mawlana's phone] You see, it is speaking by itself.
So you might have hundreds of radios (I am not speaking yet of video; I am still only speaking about audio. Video is maqaam al-mushahadah - vision. That is higher level. The normal level is audio level…) but every radio, radio receives its own electromagnetic waves, from one radio to another. One radio receives short waves. One receives three or four short waves. Another receives AM waves. Another receives FM waves. And now they have digital radio; they have very acute, sharp waves that can understand many messages at the same time. So it depends on what kind of radio you are listening to. Sometimes shuyukh send a message that no one can pick up except those who have a digital radio, and sometimes they send a wave that is very broad which everyone can pick up - that is a long wave. That is either AM or FM… whatever it is it is the long wave that everyone can receive. Turn it on and it comes immediately; and with it comes everything. What I mean is that it picks up all the normal, common speech. But very highly intelligent manifestations of the knowledge that the shaykh carries do not come in on every radio. It has to come to one that can detect only these manifestations.
We were talking about love of the Prophet (s); you want to talk of the love of the Prophet (s). I am not going to speak on that topic, but will refer to it before we begin the main subject, with permission of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim.
Love of the Prophet (s) is beyond description. Love of the Prophet (s) cannot be described by human begins. Whatever they do of naat or qasaid or nasheed or poetry are human praises of the Prophet (s); nothing else. The true description of the true love of the Prophet (s) must be from the one who created love. The one who created love is the one who can describe the love of the Prophet (s). So whatever we describe has limits, but whatever Allah swt describes has no limits.
He said, "I chose Muhammad (s)," and that is only for us to understand. Allah swt does not need to say, "I chose Muhammad ." Was Allah swt given a choice? Who gave Him a choice? Did anyone tell Him, "Choose between all these human beings and pick one?" We say he is al-Mukhtaar - the chosen one, but that is also for awliyaullah of high rank; it doesn't give the respect of the Prophet (s). To choose, you must have choices… different choices from which you choose the best. Does that means Allah swt has different choices and He chose the best?
Al-Mukhtaar here to awliyaullah means that there is no comparison; O human race and angels to Muhammad , no one can be compared and no one can be on his level. That is what al-Mukhtaar means - The Chosen One. Who made him like that? - Allah swt. Why did He make him like that? - Because He loves him. So the real love of the Prophet (s) comes from Allah swt . Therefore, since Allah swt has shown His love to Prophet Muhammad , what good is our description of our love to the Prophet (s)? It is meaningless. That is why Muhammad al-Busayri said, "Praise the Prophet (s) as much as you want, but don't make him as the Christians made `Isa (as)." That means: "Praise him as much as you want and raise him as much as you want, but don't say he is what the people of Sayyidina `Isa (as) said." [Mahboob: "son of God"]. Whatever they say, we don't want to repeat it. Don't say what they said, but praise as much as you want. There is no limit. If there is no limit, on the level of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) , it means that Allah swt never put a limit on it.
Allahu Akbar, as we say… What does Allahu Akbar mean? It means that Allah swt is the Greater and the Greatest. You cannot explain that, as whatever we explain of His Greatness is within limits. That is the Greatness of the Creator. Allahu Akbar and Muhammad Akbar… That means he is the servant who has no resemblance. He is the only one who is going to be asked on Judgment Day; no one else.
To be asked about what? To be asked about a bunch of garbage people? To ask us what? - "O this is your book. You did this and you did that." Of course you are going to do that if Shaytaan is on us. We are changing the topic of the lecture now.
When Allah swt throws Iblees on us and puts his hand over us, he is over us. How are you going to run away? He afflicted us with Shaytaan - why? O, Allah swt, Ya Rabbee, why can you not take Shaytaan away? He can, but He didn't. Because He wants to raise you up. It is Shaytaan's job and Shaytaan is so faithful to his job. He is doing his best to take all of you to hell. Is he not? Are we trying our best to do something to go to Paradise? Shaytaan is trying… trying every possible way to take us to where he wants to take us. It is our duty to try to do whatever we can to go to where Allah swt wants us to go. That is why Allah swt sent awliyaullah.
Look, when Allah swt left Iblees… when he committed a sin by not making prostration to Adam, (and Adam was only a form at that time, no soul), because Allah swt ordered him to make sajda. Iblees didn't make sajda to Adam because he thought, "How am I going to make sajda to someone that is not the Creator?" That is what was in his mind. My sajda is only for Allah swt… I am not mushrik and I am not kaafir. But with that he disobeyed. He said, "I cannot make sajda to other than Allah swt . In his entire life in Paradise - we don't know how long it was, but some scholars say two thousand years and some say seventy thousand years, that he did not leave one space of a hand where he did not make sajda to Allah swt . But he disobeyed and Allah swt cursed him. He couldn't throw him out? Yes, but He left him. Why did He leave him? - To bring that human being to earth.
So he went and whispered in the ear of Adam (as):
فَوَسْوَسَ إِلَيْهِ الشَّيْطَانُ قَالَ يَا آدَمُ هَلْ أَدُلُّكَ عَلَى شَجَرَةِ الْخُلْدِ وَمُلْكٍ لَّا يَبْلَى فَأَكَلَا مِنْهَا فَبَدَتْ لَهُمَا سَوْآتُهُمَا وَطَفِقَا يَخْصِفَانِ عَلَيْهِمَا مِن وَرَقِ الْجَنَّةِ وَعَصَى آدَمُ رَبَّهُ فَغَوَى ثُمَّ اجْتَبَاهُ رَبُّهُ فَتَابَ عَلَيْهِ وَهَدَى
Fawaswasa ilayhi ash-shaytanu qala ya adamu hal adulluka `ala shajarati al-khuldi wamulkin la yabla. Fa akala minha fa badat lahuma sawatuhuma wa tafiqa yakhsifani `alayhima min waraqi al-jannati wa `asa adamu rabbahu faghawa. Thumma ijtabahu rabbuhu fataaba `alayhi wa hada.
But Satan whispered unto him, saying: "O Adam! Shall I lead thee to the tree of life eternal; and [thus] to a kingdom that will never decay?" And so the two ate [of the fruit] thereof: and thereupon they became conscious of their nakedness and began to cover themselves with pieced-together leaves from the garden. And [thus] did Adam disobey his Sustainer, and thus did he fall into grievous error. Thereafter, [however,) his Sustainer elected him [for His grace], and accepted his repentance, and bestowed His guidance upon him. Surah TaHa 20:120-122.
Shaytaan whispered in their ears so what did they do? They ate from the forbidden tree. So immediately when they disobeyed, Allah swt made them what? [Fall...] No. Allah swt made them naked.
This means we have to know that when we commit a sin, we become naked in the presence of Allah swt. Because Adam made the sin, means that when you commit a sin, all the good appearances you were wearing become satanic and all the goodness disappears and all badness appears. The manners or the values or the level of Ihsan that the Prophet (s) mentioned in the hadith, an ta`bud Allah swt ka-anaka taraah, to worship Allah swt as if you are seeing Him and if you don't see Him He sees you -
So they became naked, Adam and his wife. So now what did they do? They covered themselves. Why did they have to cover themselves if they're in Paradise? - Because they were exposed. They didn't have to hide before; they were covered by Allah swt's Beautiful Names and Attributes. That manifestation on them made them perfect. That is why we come back to electromagnetic waves, that when you interact with them and disturb them, they become particles and you can see it. Awliyaullah they are able, as I was saying, not to interact and not to disturb these electromagnetic waves. For that reason it is not disturbed and does not become particle and for that reason they can move. They have power not to interact and not to disturb - for them there is no wall.
Adam (as) was not disturbing or interacting in the electromagnetic wavelengths so he was completely perfect. However, when he disobeyed he went to a lower in level. He went to the earth where there are electromagnetic waves. When you have that you see things in their reality. That is why the Prophet (s) said, al-mu'min mirrat akhi. The mu'min is the mirror of his brother. Through that mirror of Paradise he begins to see himself naked. They began to take leaves and to cover their bodies in order not to be seen naked, he and his wife. What was that tree that they were taking the leaves from? It was the fig tree. Teen.
So he was covering himself with the leaves of that tree; it is big, like that. So they were covering themselves and Allah swt sent them on earth. Why were they covering themselves? - Because they know that when they were in Paradise, before disobeying, Allah swt was manifesting His beautiful Name as-Sattar on them? - The One Who veils and covers? He was covering them with the Beautiful [Divine] Name as-Sattar. That Name was covering them from all bad manners. That is why, when awliyaullah reach a higher level of obedience and discipline, Allah swt will manifest His beautiful Name on them and veil them. When He veils them He will veil everything that happened to them that was bad and make everything come out that was good to people. That means every sin disappears. That is why Allah swt said, faman `afa wa aslahah fa ajruhu `ala Allah swt. Allah swt will reward him. He is trying to veil what is bad and make peace. That is what Allah swt likes. Allah swt likes for His servant to veil the others. That is the manifestation of His beautiful Name as-Sattar. Therefore, as soon as he disobeyed, that veil disappeared. That means exposing his wild character. As for us, how much we are trying to veil ourselves? By putting a beard, and a turban and Allah swt knows the hearts. How much is going on between the Muslim communities here?
All of you are praying to Allah swt, all of you love the Prophet (s) and all of you believe in the same beliefs and still you fight.
So what did he do? He begins to take the leaves of the fig tree and to cover himself [to Sajeda] listen to this; it is nice. Allah swt sent them to earth, because they were naked; they cannot be naked in Paradise. That secret of the Name as-Sattar appeared in Sayyidina Adam ... if we do good Allah swt will cover us with His Name as-Sattar and in Judgment Day you will appear with only things that are beautiful by Allah swt and His Prophet[ISCA2] . That is why Allah swt lowered it, by saying everything is according to intention. He knows we cannot do it. By intention you will be accepted.
When they came on earth, Adam (as) was covering himself and Hawwa was covering herself, there passed by them one deer. At that time the deer looked ugly. As soon as she passed by Adam (as), she felt some kind of love to Adam and his wife. So that deer gave them milk. They milked the deer and drank from it. So the deer didn't leave; she stayed around them day after day and Sayyidina Adam (as) began to feel that relationship and felt concern and began to take some of the leaves that covered him to feed the deer. The deer left. The next day the deer came and it was completely changed. It had become that very nice beautiful animal, which everyone is very happy to look at - a deer and Allah swt made musk, a nice perfume come from the deer. That is musk. Allah swt made the deer because of His love to Adam , and because he ate from the fig tree from Paradise, Allah swt made him beautiful and Allah swt made him smell nice because of love.
If love for Adam (as) changed the deer from ugly to beautiful and made it possible that you are now able to take perfume from the deer what do you think of love of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) ? That is for Adam . That deer came for Allah swt she didn't come for anything else. She knew that Adam had come on earth and so she came and was around him. Like when you go around Sultan al-awliya, as if you are like a wild deer with wild character; your presence with that wali will change you to a beautiful human being that awliyaullah can smell like that.
Today they say not to go to work without putting deodorant under your arms because you don't want to be smelly. Awliyaullah smell their mureeds; every mureed has a different smell or perfume that can identify them because of their love to them.
Next day, another deer saw that deer becoming beautiful and having a nice smell and said, "uff I am going to Adam to do the same thing." So she went to Adam and Adam saw the deer coming and he took some of the leaves and fed the deer. Allah swt turned that deer into a nice deer but didn't give him a nice smell. So there are two kinds of deer; one from which you can get musk and one from which you cannot get anything. Why? Because the first deer came for Allah swt and the second came for something in her mind or in her heart; she came for greediness. So even though she came for greediness Allah swt gave her one thing but did not give her the other. So when you to come to Allah swt you must come with submission. Not for anything, only for Allah swt. Awliyaullah love their followers; though it depends on their intentions. If their intention is for Allah swt and His Prophet, then that is what they like. If you go to shaykh for some kind of benefit then you are in your place. That is why Allah swt gave an oath by teen and zeytoon.
وَالتِّينِ وَالزَّيْتُونِ وَطُورِ سِينِينَ وَهَذَا الْبَلَدِ الْأَمِينِ لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ فِي أَحْسَنِ تَقْوِيمٍ ثُمَّ رَدَدْنَاهُ أَسْفَلَ سَافِلِينَ إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ فَلَهُمْ أَجْرٌ غَيْرُ مَمْنُونٍ فَمَا يُكَذِّبُكَ بَعْدُ بِالدِّينِ أَلَيْسَ اللَّهُ بِأَحْكَمِ الْحَاكِمِينَ
Wat-teeni wa'z-zaytooni wa toori seeneen wa haadha al-baladi'l-ameen. Laqad khalaqna'l-insana fee ahsani taqweem. Thumma radadnaahu asfala saafileen. Illa alladheena aamanoo wa `amiloo's-saalihati fa-lahum ajrun ghayru mamnoon.Famaa yukadhdhibuka ba`du bi'd-deen. Alaysa Allahu bi-ahkami'l-haakimeen.
By the Fig and the Olive, And the Mount of Sinai, And this City of security,- We have indeed created man in the best of moulds, Then do We abase him (to be) the lowest of the low,- Except such as believe and do righteous deeds: For they shall have a reward unfailing. Then what can, after this, contradict thee, as to the judgment (to come)? Is not Allah the wisest of judges? At-Teen, 95:1-8
Although zaytoon is mubaraka, blessed, because it has the olives and oil, Allah swt put the teen first as the fig was the first one to cover Adam in Paradise; the first tree that covered him from being naked. In the whole world if you look at any fruit tree, all of them they give a bud first, then a flower, and then a fruit. Except the fig… the fig tree gives the fruit first. It comes out first. You see the fig coming out. Allah swt gave superiority to the fig because it covered Adam (as). It veiled him so Allah swt made the fig to be the first to be mentioned in the surah teen, wat-teeni was-zaytoon. Why didn't he say waz-zaytooni wat-teen? That means that Allah swt loves, and this is one of the secrets of the manifestation of the beautiful Name as-Sattar. When you are under the manifestation of that Name you become veiling whatever happened before and covering it and forgetting it and then Allah swt makes you superior; makes you to see that you are someone who has been supported.
So Allah swt gave you superiority in reaching a higher level and that is why awliyaullah veil themselves. I was with Mawlana - may Allah swt give him long life - 50 years I never heard him say "this one said this" or "this one said that." He covers everything. Some people even come to him for some kind of benefit and they take some charity to use for some purpose he never asks for it back. That is the character that Allah swt likes from His servants - To veil each other. When you veil the mistakes of each other Allah swt brings you more together in unity and gives you stronger power to defeat baatil and bring up haqq. That is why He said, "wat-teeni waz-zaytoon wa toori seeneen wa hadhal balad al-ameen." Teen, in that verse of the holy Qur'an, describes the hierarchy of different levels of spiritual enlightenment that you can find in certain places. The teen is the tree which always gives the fruit first; this is describing the mountain of the self. Always that mountain which is built within your heart and within your spirit is the higher level of the self; that is like a mountain from which the fruit comes first, to be given to those who are attending and listening in that circle. It is described in Tafsir al-Qur'an that at-teen Allah swt is giving oath by at-teen, the fig tree, by the mountain of the fig; the mountain of the fig in history is what covers in Damascus, Jabal Qasyun… that is the teen. Zaytun is the mountain that is full of olive trees and is in east Jerusalem. All the trees of olives are on that mountain and on Jabal Qasyun you see no trees but teen, fig. Grandshaykh and Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, may Allah swt bless them, said that all 124000 prophets have been moved from the places that they have been buried to that mountain and they are waiting there for the appearance of Sayyidina Mahdi (as) and Sayyidina `Isa (as) . And wa toori seeneen… (I am not explaining this Surah, but we will do it sometime, Insha-Allah swt.) That toor is the mountain of Sayyidina Musa (as) where he used to go and speak with His Lord. Seeneen in Arabic refers to the mountain that has a lot of olives. That is the mountain that Sayyidina Musa (as) used to go and speak with His lord.
Originally we were speaking of the importance of covering oneself the way that the fig leaves covered Sayyidina Adam - then the fruit of wilayah will appear.
To cover ourselves is to put a block between us and Iblees; Satan. If we allow that block to disappear then Satan will have effect on us and we will never see the fruit of sainthood described in that Surah wat-teeni waz-zaytun.
May Allah swt forgive us and bless us.
Fatiha and Fatiha for Adam's father Mazhar Jamil.
Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem
Every prophet is dressed with the same Attributes that other prophets are dressed though they differ in the level of the Attribute of which they are dressed with, as the manifestation of these Attributes changes from one level to another level. At one level, say the first level, there is one manifestation; at the second level a different manifestation and at the third level another different manifestation. So according to the level of that prophet, each has a different level and the highest is with Sayyidina Muhammad (s) . Therefore what comes to Sayyidina Muhammad (s) will go through to all the other prophets and what they take depends on their level. That is besides what other prophets have of what beautiful Names they are under. Some prophets are under one Name, some under 2 Names, some under 20 Names, some 200 Names, while Prophet Muhammad is under infinite Names. And whatever Name they share in their Attributes will depend on their level as to how they understand and manifest that Attribute. The first five Uli'l-`adham, then the 25 mentioned in Qur'an, then 313 highest-ranking prophets and messengers, then the remaining 124,000 prophets… all vary but if they share in one Name it appears in a different level in each of them. It doesn't appear the same to all of them; no, it changes; as one is studying science in high school, and another is studying science in college and one is studying for his BS and one is studying graduate studies.
Take H20 for example that represents for one molecule of water; 2 parts Hydrogen and one part oxygen. The one in college understand something else. The PhD might be able to write a book on it.
As the Prophet (s) is ascending continuously that inayat - special care - coming on the Prophet (s) gives him the higher understanding. May Allah swt keep us under the footsteps of awliyaullah and following footsteps of our Prophet and of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani. Bi-hurmatil Fatiha.
Muhammad Akbar! Is there higher? As Allah swt's highest servant he is Akbar. La ilaha ill-Allah swt muhammadun Rasulullah, is there higher? Allah Akbar! Any objection?
There are people who call themselves Akbar and asghar…1, 5, 25, 313, 124,000.
This is what ibn Abbas in his Tafsir of Surat al-`Araaf mentioned: there are 124,000 prophets. Wahabis ask, "Where did you get that figure?" though they cannot reject it.
They are till today, one dies one comes. That seat may not be empty, there must be one there. That is why there are awliyaullah today, you have to find them. So you are lucky if you find one and you are luckier if you find the head; the top one.
February 23, 2009
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