March 03, 2009

6 Powers Of The Heart

Levels of the Heart Series
by Shaykh Hisham Al Qabbani

The Opening of the Heart

...........Mawlana Shaykh Nazim ق says that whoever keeps to true
spiritual exercises, if he can complete them, there may appear from
himself many forms like himself. First, there may be three, then
seven, each having the same shape and bodily powers, but each one able
to be in a different place. Each one is independent, looking, acting
and knowing. This power comes from completing the aforementioned
spiritual exercises under the supervision of a Perfect Master
(Murshidun Kamil).

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim ق relates:

Bayazid ق once prayed one Friday congregational prayer in 24,000
different places. He told the religious authorities in one place: “I
was praying in 12,000 different houses of worship today.”

They asked, “How?”

He said, “By the power of the Lord Almighty. If you do not believe me,
send people around to ask.”

They sat and waited until messengers returned, saying that he was seen
in so many places. Bayazid ق later said, “I was afraid to say 24,000,
so I only said 12,000.”

God says that, when one plants a single grain of wheat, it disappears
into the earth and becomes seven ears, each ear with a hundred grains,
700 grains coming from one. If a person gives his body up, accepting
to be nothing, God will grant him a body from His Divine Presence. Do
not be surprised about God’s actions; He is al-Qadir, The All-
Powerful. But no one agrees to be nothing. Everyone is asking to be
something, to be, to be, to be, even in religion.

In the Sufi way, too, people desire miracles and heavenly visions. No
one likes to be nothing. When agreeing to be nothing, you will be all
things. The Palace of Unity is not open to those saying, “We are
something.” You must enter into khalwah, seclusion, not thinking to
come out finished, addressing to your ego and saying, “Don’t think
that you are coming out able to do miracles. I am going to bury you.
My shaykh will send the Angel of Death to take your soul.” Then it
will be real seclusion. Otherwise, it is only training. For the first
condition, the shaykh looks to the disciple to see if desires of the
ego are still running in his heart. Ego must be finished there. Then
such a person ready for death and all keys to treasures can be
entrusted to him.

This body must be taken. Everyone will die. Some may offer themselves
to death with their willpower. This does not mean killing oneself, but
killing the ego’s desires. Then you are ready for Divine powers.

Let us take the example of magic. There are stage magicians who pull
rabbits out of their top hats and use sleight of hand and optical
illusions to fool people. But there are also real magicians, who use
real magic. Did you not hear that God said in Holy Qur’an that he sent
two angels teaching people magic? What is that magic; how does it

First of all, it must be understood that everything has a frequency or
wavelength. Depending on its frequency, it is either visible or
invisible. When you change that frequency, it disappears. That is what
magicians do. They can change the frequency of an object to make it
appear or disappear at will.

Moses said, “Throw ye (first).” So when they threw, they bewitched the
eyes of the people, and struck terror into them: for they showed a
great (feat of) magic.

If a magician can do that, what about the Friends of God? Can they
not do more than that? Certainly, God will give a pious, sincere
servant who devoted his life to God and the Prophet even more wondrous

Physicists say that sunlight is composed of seven primary colors. In
reality, however, there are more than seven colors. You might be able
to identify twenty colors or at most thirty, but sunlight consists of
an infinite number of colors.

Every night Saints of God sit in the association called the Circle of
Saints (Diwan al-awliya) in the presence of the Prophet Muhammad’s
soul and the souls of all the other prophets and messengers. There are
hierarchies among the Saints of God that we do not perceive. God gave
this nation inheritors of the prophets. God sent 124,000 prophets, and
each Prophet has an inheritor. Therefore, there are 124,000 saints in
every time. When one passes away, another takes his place.

The number of prophets, 124,000, was told to us by the Prophet’s
cousin, Ibn Abbas ¦, who was known as the greatest commentator of

When Moses came to the place appointed by Us, and his Lord addressed
him, He said: “O my Lord! show (Thyself) to me, that I may look upon

The Prophet Moses ¡ thought he was so close to God, for he is known in
the Divine Presence as Kaleemullah—the one who speaks with God. He was
in full concentration and meditation, and in that state he was able to
hear the heavenly voice, to hear God.

He said: “O my Lord! show (Thyself) to me, that I may look upon thee.”
God said: “By no means canst thou see Me (direct); But look upon the
mount; if it abide in its place, then shalt thou see Me.”

It means, “O Moses! If you want to come to Me you must look at that
mountain.” Ibn al-Arabi ق said in Futuhat al-Makkiyya, that the
mountain represents Prophet Moses’ ¡ ego, meaning no one can come to
God’s Presence with his ego. For that reason, God first sent Prophet
Moses ¡ and his servant and successor, Joshua ¡, to Sayyidina Khidr ¡
to learn a specialized knowledge that even he, as one of the five
greatest prophets, did not know.

So they found one of Our servants, on whom We had bestowed Mercy from
Ourselves and whom We had taught knowledge from Our own Presence.

He said, “Come to Me by throwing away the self. Look at the mountain,
if it remains in its place then you will see Me.”

When his Lord manifested His glory on the Mount, He made it as dust.
And Moses fell down in a swoon. When he recovered his senses he said:
“Glory be to Thee! To Thee I turn in repentance, and I am the first to

In explaining that verse, Ibn Abbas ¦ said, “When he awoke, that
mountain disappeared and in its place before him was a huge mountain
made up of 124,000 prophets.”

The prophets have inheritors in every era who are living shaykhs. They
can say to a mountain, “Move!” and it will move. They may appear as an
attraction, like a spotlight in a stadium, a beacon or a rainbow. When
people see them, they fall into states of ecstasy.

When the Saints of God say, “We are seeing this,” you cannot say,
“No.” They are seeing frequencies that your eye cannot.

After Prophet Muhammad went on the Night Journey and Ascension, he
returned and saw everything that had passed took place in the blink of
an eye. He went with body and soul, yet when he came back, his bed was
still warm.

Imam Shahrawi related that Imam Nawawi said, “The Prophet saw his Lord
with the eyes of his head.” God raised him up with a body that could
discern the frequencies that fill this universe. These vibrations or
signs can be known, but you need to have the software. If you can
establish that software in your heart then you can see what others
cannot see.

Consider what God says about the Prophet Solomon ¡:

He said (to his own men): “Ye chiefs! which of you can bring me her
throne before they come to me in submission?” Said an ¿Ifrit, of the
Jinns: “I will bring it to thee before thou rise from thy council:
indeed I have full strength for the purpose, and may be trusted.”

The Jinn said, “I can bring the Throne of Sheba, but not immediately.
I need time, and by then your meeting will be ending.”

Said one who had knowledge of the Book: “I will bring it to thee
within the twinkling of an eye!” Then when (Solomon) saw it placed
firmly before him, he said: “This is by the Grace of my Lord!”

The one “who had knowledge of the book” said, “I will bring it to you
in the blink of an eye.” He brought it there using his knowledge of
these frequencies. The Throne of Sheba appeared in front of their
eyes. He used a power similar to that of satellite television today.

Today many people speak of the need for a path to transformation. The
saints of God are themselves a path to transformation. They are those
who dedicated their lives to love of God, love of Prophet , love of
faith. They know the path to transformation. If one is in the East,
they can bring him to the West, and if one is in the East they can
bring him to the West in order to be seen.

Our master Shaykh Nazim ق says:

To fly through this space is so easy; with the blink of an eye a
person can reach Heavens which physically would take billions of
years. Our light is not like the one coming from the sun; our light
belongs to the Oceans of Divine Lights, that is why the speed of our
soul is so fast. It is like comparing a person riding on a donkey to
someone sitting in a rocket. That is an analogy to the difference
between the speed of light and the speed of our Divine Lights.

If you want a proof then go out and look, how long does it take you to
see the furthest galaxy? The moment you look, your eyes are there! The
galaxy of Andromeda is millions of light years away but with the naked
eye it is a small spot which you can see. They say there are 300
millions of stars but for us it looks like a tiny spot within the
greatness of space. That is part of your soul power, just a small part
of it. If the whole power of your soul was on, you could see the whole
universe in its real existence! You wouldn't just see Andromeda like a
spot, you would see the huge galaxy in its greatness. It means you
will see every one of the 300 millions of stars in it. Today, even
with the Hubble telescope, one can see the stars of Andromeda—what
then is the power of the soul? Divine Lights are Lights from God. But
it is closed off now because our physical desires prevent it. We are
only interested in what we are eating, drinking, or enjoyment, nothing
else. We are just wasting our huge powers.

Now most people are nearly under the command of their ego; therefore
the entire world is out of control. On the other hand, if people
control their ego with their will power then they will be free from
the gravity of their self. At that time they can travel all around the
universe and even beyond!

We, mankind, have souls and soul desires to be in Heaven; it is not
interested in eating, drinking, or physical enjoyment. Such desires
belong to our physical being, and they are endless. That is why we get
hungry and thirsty physically. If we do not control these desires,
they will be the biggest problem. Try to control them. We cannot live
without them, but if we do not control them, they will be the greatest
destruction. Prophet Muhammad said:

Whoever guarantees for me what is between his jaws and what is between
his legs, I will guarantee him Paradise.

Mankind needs a balance for its desires, to learn how to control them.
For example if you give me a car I would not know how to control it,
because I have never been trained to. It is not easy, but you can
learn, and then it is simple. The ego is the strongest force in
existence and it needs to be controlled. A car or an airplane which is
out of control, it cannot be saved by anything! Our ego is much more
complicated and powerful than an aircraft.

If anyone wants to learn to drive a vehicle there are lots of schools
for doing so. But what about the ego? You think you can do that
yourself? No! If it had been the case it would not have been necessary
to have sent all those prophets, and after them saints. Holy people
are able to control themselves; they teach people how to do that, how
to keep their physical desires in limits. If you can control that huge
power you may fly, and rise to Heavens without wings, just with your
will power, you can go anywhere, even beyond this universe. Heaven
doesn't belong to this world; the souls of human beings were made from
Divine Lights.

In late 1980s, the prime minister and the mayor of Beirut invited
Mawlana Shaykh Nazim ق to go with them on Pilgrimage to Makkah, Hajj.
He did not say yes or no, but said, “I will see.”

The prime minister insisted. Again, Mawlana did not say, “No,” nor did
he say, “Yes.” He kept his answer vague.

We spent the rest of the month with Mawlana, in Tripoli, and the
celebration of the Eid of the Sacrifice came and went. Then the
pilgrims began to return from Hajj. The next day, we went to see the
mayor and the prime minister to congratulate them on completing the
Pilgrimage. Disgruntled, they looked at Mawlana Shaykh Nazim ق. They
said, “Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, we invited you to come with us, but you
did not come with us and instead went with someone else.”

We were young, so we were troublemakers. We asked them, “Why are you
saying this?” They said, “We met Mawlana Shaykh Nazim at the Kaaba,
during the circumambulation, tawaf. He did the circumambulation with
us there, and when he finished the circling, he left and we left.”

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim ق never left Lebanon. He was in our home for the
entire time of the Pilgrimage. That is how the Saints of God move in
space. They transform their frequencies and appear at another place.

Scrolling in the Dimension of Time

The shaykh holds the power to give his followers true dreams. Many
people come to me and say, “I saw a shaykh in my dream. He looked like
this and gave me this to recite.” Later, they encounter the shaykh
physically and realize that he was the one they met in the dream. A
guide can reach anyone in the world through dreams and visions. People
can become devoted followers and even take orders from the shaykh
through dreams and visions. He has that power.

The guide gives his follower awareness (yaqaza), so that they will not
be heedless. Then he breathes with the awareness that, at any moment,
God can stop him from inhaling or exhaling. This means that, in every
moment, with the guide’s grace that he takes from the Prophet
Muhammad , the follower will be remembering his Lord though his

For many of us, breathing is something the body does automatically.
When you are talking, you might be unaware that you are breathing in
and out, but dive into the sea and you will remember your breathing. A
Purifying Shaykh (shaykh at-tazkiyya) makes you aware that, at every
moment, you are submerged in an ocean, that the energy you take in or
put out belongs to God’s Power.

There is a dhikr for when you exhale and when you inhale, and Divine
Names to recite depending upon the time and conditions of the day.
Each inhalation and each exhalation belongs to a Name of God. There
are ten angels accompanying each inhalation, and ten angels
accompanying each exhalation. Each angel is created from a different
light belonging to God. Grandshaykh ¿Abd Allah ق said that nine parts
of each light is from Sayyidina Muhammad and one is from the Ocean of
Power. These lights are not the Light of God. We are servants to God
and cannot share His Light. The Saints of God say that human beings
take 24,000 breaths in 24 hours. Only a Purifying Shaykh can put on
your tongue the remembrance of God with every breath. In reality,
every breath is remembrance, but you are heedless of it.

Once you reach the awareness of the 24,000 breaths, awareness is
increased to the level of 700,000 per day. At this stage, time is
extended in order to allow you to call upon your Lord 700,000 times.
Time is unrolled without making it longer, just as God can make the
entire world pass through the eye of a needle without making the world
smaller or the needle larger.[iv] This is a power of the tongue (ta’i
al-lisan), and it is from the Reality of Scrolling. It is the ability
to recite more by using the energy of the spirit.

How is this possible? God created a vein under the tongue that reaches
directly to the heart. By following the guide, the disciple progresses
and darkness is removed from the tongue and heart. At that time you
become luminous (nurani), since you are no longer relying upon the
body, or the tongue, but upon that heavenly light. Whatever is related
to the Divine can do anything. The mind relates to the earth. When
people become luminous, the following holy Prophetic Tradition applies
to them, in which God says:

Neither the heavens nor earth contain Me, but the heart of my
believing servant contains Me.

That heart can do miracles, reaching seven million repetitions in
dhikr, even 70 million. So much is granted to any human being who
follows the Saints of God.

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