March 03, 2009

"Change We Need"

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani ar-Rabbani qs
Thursday, Nov 06, 2008 | Chicago, IL US
Bosnian Mosque, Northbrook

May Allah bless Imam Senad and his community. It is an honor for us to be here and that he opened the mosque for us. We will first do dhikr and then short talk and then perform a marriage, insha-Allah.

After Imam Senad’s permission, [Dhikr]

Audhu billah min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem

عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كلمتان خفيفتان على اللسان ثقيلتان في الميزان حبيبتان إلى الرحمن سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان.

Kalimatan khafeefataan `ala al-lisan thaqeelataan fi ’l-meezaan.

Two words that are light on the tongue and heavy on the scales in Day of Judgment. These words will erase sins, even if the sins are too heavy they will erase them.

The Prophet (s) recommended these two words, to Sahaba to recite them. SubhanAllah wa bihamdihi SubhanAllah il-`adheem, istaghfirullah. They are strong enough to erase any sins.

We are living in a world that is running so fast towards its destination. People they think that they are going to live forever. But we are, as Allah described us in Holy Qur'an:

إِنَّا عَرَضْنَا الْأَمَانَةَ عَلَى السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَالْجِبَالِ فَأَبَيْنَ أَن يَحْمِلْنَهَا وَأَشْفَقْنَ مِنْهَا وَحَمَلَهَا الْإِنسَانُ إِنَّهُ كَانَ ظَلُومًا جَهُولًا

Inna `aradnaa alamaanata `ala as-samaawati wa’l-ardi wa’l-jibaali fa abayna an yahmilnaha wa ashfaqna minha wa hamalaha al-insaanu innahu kaana dhalooman jahoola,

We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the Earth and the Mountains; but they refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof: but man undertook it;- He was indeed unjust and foolish;- Al-Ahzab [33:72]

We gave this trust, Allah is saying, “I offered My trust to the heavens and earth,” and they said, "no Ya Rabbee! we cannot carry it. It is difficult.” Human being said, "We can carry it,” and Allah described human being as dhalooman jahoolan. Why to carry it. Heavens and earth said, "No we cannot carry it, don’t send it on us.” Because if they carried it and didn’t fulfill it then Allah swt would have shattered this universe. That is why you see this universe is here. That is what human beings took. That is why Allah disasters come on human being. The earth is not affected. If there is a flood who is affected? Us. Because you took the trust. If you want the trust keep it clean as I gave it to you. If you make it clean I have to clean you. Do you keep your son dirty or your daughter? Do you keep yourself dirty? No we go and take a shower.

Why we are keeping our trust dirty. We read Holy Qur'an and we read holy hadith and we put all these verses of Holy Qur'an in our homes and in our schools but what we are taking wisdom out of it.

Looking – everyone is looking at Masud’s baby and they are happy. Why don’t we smile to keep our trust clean. Everyone’s eyes are diverted to an innocent person always. But our eyes are not diverted towards each other because we are sinful. That is the big difference.

Awliyaullah they can balance it. They have that vision. They don’t like anything in this universe, the only thing they like is that how much they are closer day by day to the Divine Presence. To reach their destination. We were driving today to come here and we were counting the minutes, how many minutes left. We want to reach our destination.

Everyone likes to reach his destination. We were running to be here by eight o’clock to reach our destination to reach on time. Also our souls are running to reach their destinations. Our bodies they don’t want. Because they carried the trust. The soul was cleave it didn’t carry the trust. The body is ignorant and oppressor.

This dunya is running to its destination. No one can stop it. Imams, presidents, kings. They cannot stop the destination that is coming the end goal for reaching our destinations. It is coming. Awliyaullah they have a computer, you see these very very advanced computers today, they are very small, they have everything when the time comes, the computer calls adhan. Dhuhr time comes the computer calls adhan. How does it know? It is calculating the second. You don’t have one of these. Imam you have one? I have one in my pocket. Finished `Isha time. It calls the adhan.

This earth is moving to its destination to make sajda. Ya Rabbee, I have come to my destination, I am traveling fast to reach you. No one can stop it.

They have signs, awliyaullah. They live with signs. Without signs, the Prophet (s) predicted signs of the last, of the end of this universe.

When Jibreel asked him three questions, about Islam, iman and ihsan and then asked him the more questions, “when is the time of the Judgment Day?” and the Prophet (s) said, “The one asking knows more than the one asked.” Then Jibreel asked, “what are the signs of the last days?” and the Prophet (s) mentioned one of these signs in that hadith: that desert people who are living in desert will compete in building high rises, turning deserts into paradises, dunya paradises.

Awliyaullah are counting moment by moment. So what do they do? They are in presence of their lord. The Prophet (s) said, "the best time I am in is when I am in prayers.” Why shaykh? The Prophet (s) for him the best time for him is in the prayers. For awliyaullah when is the best time for them? In their prayers. When you recite al-Fatiha, whom are you addressing. Alhamdulillah. Ya Rabbee, praise be to You. Ar-Rahman ar-Raheem you are directing your conversation to Allah and your salutation and your respect and acceptance that you are our Lord. So why then we pray quickly?

If you are with a girl, … he is smiling. You invite her today for a coffee or a tea, why? I am giving that example because it is happening. And you want to speak with her is it not. Are you trying to stretch the time or shrink it. They try to stretch the time, why? Because their desires asking them to do that.

What about then the desires to stretch the time when you are in a prayer? Instead of that we shorten it, Ya imam? We are in a rush. That is a small example. That all of us, I am not excluding us, all of us are falling into it.

Scholars go and speak today on the minbar, or give presentations in schools or in university touching on issues that are very high issues. Why are you flying so high. Look at your bottom. You stretch your time with a lady or a body but you cut your time with Allah swt when you are praying.

كُلُّ حِزْبٍ بِمَا لَدَيْهِمْ فَرِحُونَ

Kullu hizbin bima ladayhim farihoon - Every party with what they have are happy”. Al-Mu'minun [ 23:53 ]

We are making tafsir to this ayah.. They translated with 100 different meanings. But one of the meanings is that you are with Hizb ash-Shaytaan you are trying to stretch your time with that one but in the prayer you are with Allah and you are shortening your time.

Awliyaullah what do they do? They stretch the time, when they are in prayer they like to stretch the prayer completely. That is why in taraweeh they stretch the prayer in order to recite the Holy Qur'an. It was not in time of the prophet to recite the whole Qur’an and it was not in time of the prophet to read the whole Qur’an. But in time of Sayyidina `Umar (r) they made it twenty raka`ats and now they made it to recite the whole of the Holy Qur'an.

Why? So they can stretch the time in Allah’s Presence. So we have to stretch the prayer in order to be longer in Allah’s Presence.

What are your five pillars of Islam: shahadatu an la ilaha illa-Allah wa anna muhammadan `abuduhu rasuluhu wa iqamus-salaat, wa ita’u ’z-zakat, wa sawmu Ramadan wa hajj al-bayt. Look SubhanAllah insalaat there are five pillars.

Awliyaullah are not blind they see. When you say Allahu Akbar, … huh? Iqamus-salaat. You are there in front of Ka`bah. When you sit for at-tahiyat ashhadu an la ilaha illa-Allah wa ashhadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh…

So two pillars are there. When you say “Allahu Akbar” you don’t drink and eat. So you are fasting. When you say “Allahu Akbar” you are not working. You are giving charity. In that time you are able to work but you are not you are giving that time in charity.

So when you say “Allahu Akbar” you are in Ka`bah. Don’t think you are not there. When awliyaullah, who are not stupid, they are taken to Ka`bah. But we cannot see. We are veiled. You are seeing the wall or you are seeing the imam. But in reality you are not praying towards the wall - you are praying towards the Ka`bah. Allah doesn’t have power to take away that veil to show you in Ka`bah? We say, "Allahu Akbar,” that “Allah is greater!” Cannot He take the veil away and show you the Ka`bah? Today you open the TV and you see Ka`bah. Cannot Allah open heavenly TV and take you to Ka`bah? But we are veiled. He didn’t veil us, but we veiled ourselves.

This dunya is moving to its destination. Last year in March in Mawlid an-Nabi (s) it began. They opened it. They opened for people to see that; for people to know there is a change coming. That change is an opening for something big going to happen. Awliyaullah were waiting and waiting and waiting for that thing to happen. From March that last year in California many people heard that. Many messages came that a change is going to happen. That change happened.

Don’t think there are no awliyaullah that Allah gave them authority on dunya. They have authority ondunya. Allah gave them that power.

By Mawlana’s order two weeks I came here and by Mawlana’s order this week I came here. It is not because I want to come or because you invited me. Two years I didn’t come. But there is an important message to be delivered for this week to be delivered also.

There are - when awliyaullah want you to see - when Mawlana Shaykh wants you to see, you see. You are not the shaykh. You are the sheep. When the ram wants to see he can take the whole flock back home to safety.

And hunters have what? They have the dogs to bring the preyers to the hunter. The pray. You send the dog everywhere to get the prey come. There was a message to that one, two weeks ago, to that one who is responsible for that whole area spiritually. Every area is under the responsibility of a wali in the whole world. And Sultan al-Awliya are responsible on the whole world. There was a message to be delivered to that one who is responsible to that area of the Midwest and there is congratulations to be given to thatwali who is responsible.

So awliyaullah are not veiled. When they want to send a message, they send.

So Mawlana Shaykh wants to send that message. Since this is the century of change is coming there is going to be a change for the whole world, from worse to good. Allah doesn’t change from good to worse. Allah loves His servants - He wants to change from bad to good.

That is why the title is “change we need.” They have not put that. Awliyaullah changed that inspired their heart to change that and it was changed. And with this new situation there is a big change that is going to take place for everyone to feel happiness, everyone to feel grateful to Allah swt because it is preparation for reaching this world to its destination. When this world reaches its destination we are reaching our destination,

Many times I asked, may Allah give him long life, Mawlana Shaykh many times I asked him about his legs because they were swollen and always he refuses to be treated. Why?

People wondered. We wondered, but when he wants you to know, you know. Because he wants to carry the pain on behalf of his followers that his followers will not be in pain in dunya or akhira. He will carry their pain on their behalf that they will not be in pain in dunya and akhira and he will sacrifice his safety and his comfort for us to be comfortable.

Awliyaullah they didn’t move without permission. Now is the time that Allah swt even a wali will be tested. The Prophet (s), how many times he was given hard time and he is Seal of the Messengers? He was given a hard time for his holy body and his body is holy and it went in Mi’raj and still he has been treated by his people in the worst way in the battle of Uhud. That was when they broke his teeth. That was after the Mi’raj. The one who went in Mi’raj in his holy body and came back, Allah did not leave him alone: “O Muhammad carry the difficulty of the Ummah.” To carry the difficulty he had to have his teeth broken. That is painful.

Allah tests his awliyaullah - don’t think Allah doesn’t test them. He wants them to carry as much as possible to take responsibility for their followers. Such a shaykh you have and such a saint you have. Scholars are children at the doors of awliyaullah. They are not awliyaullah - they are people who study and people who still have arrogance and pride and ego and desires. Still because they didn’t try to struggle against these characters in order to reach the level of ihsan. They didn’t reach above the first two levels. Awliyaullah went far in to the maqam al-ihsan in order to change their behavior to better behavior.

I saw Mawlana many times, after everyone sleeps, he goes to the garbage in the house - and show me one scholar that does that and show me one representative or deputy that does that. He goes there and he doesn’t say anything to anyone. He moves the garbage and he sees a piece of bread he takes it out. He sees food that is there and takes it out. Saves it and then the next day, he didn’t eat it in the night because he was not hungry, but the next day when people are eating on his table, he brings that food and eats it. I saw that hundreds of times. Not now, but when he was in Damascus in 1980s. Show me one of these scholars who are doing interfaith activities do that. No, they throw the food. He doesn’t want to throw any favor of Allah.

Allah left Fira`un. He said, "I am going to destroy Fira`un to Sayyidina Musa Alayhissalam.” Why Allah didn’t destroy him for 40 years? Because Fira`un was saving all these crumbs that fall down from the table. He used to collect them and eat them. He said, "I cannot throw them because this is ni`mat of Allah.”

Because when destination came, because we are on the way to destination, and that is coming. So prepare ourselves for that destination. So when his destination came, Shaytan came and said to him, “You are saving food and crumbs. Why? You are God! Step on that!”

How many times we are stepping on our crumbs? On our table and on the floor. Not only that, we take food and throw them.

I am not planning to address this and Mawlana Shaykh is insisting to say that change is coming. And that change began at Mawlid an-Nabi (s) in March. Some people in California they heard and saw that. Those who understood, understood that.

Mawlana said someone, by name, is coming. And that one came now. And we will see what kind of changes are going to happen. It is not his changes and it isn’t his people’s changes. No there is a heavenly change coming for the better. Not only for Muslims, for everyone. Allah doesn't look who is Muslim and not. But change for everyone. In akhira is something else. Allah will bring a change that is expected. Don’t forget to say, "Subhanallah wa bihamdihi Subhanallah il-`adheem istaghfirullah.”

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