Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani ar-Rabbani qs
Michigan Zawiya, Sunday, Sep 28, 2008 | Fenton, MI US
Audhu billah min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem
Nawaytu'l-arba` een, nawaytu'l-`itikaaf, nawaytu'l-khalwah, nawaytu'l-riyaada, nawaytu's-salook, nawaytu'l-`uzlah lillahi ta`ala fee hadha'l-masjid. Ati` Allah wa ati` ar-rasula wa uli 'l-amri minkum
Look at the last couch there. Shaykh Ihsan. Why is he sitting with them. Look you see them. This is how they look in front of awliyaullah, scholars in their time, with turban, long beard, jubbah, majestic, learning from the shuyukh. It is libas al-haybah - the dress of majestic look. Allah dresses them with a majestic look. If everyone on earth was wearing like that we will be flying. But not that one that is sitting with them, he is not one of them. But because of them Allah will forgive him.
What is needed beside that? Besides that look. You need that like the clock, you are looking at it the watch and you see the needles, but it needs an instrument inside to make it to work. You need a battery that changes the mechanism in order to make it to move and all of us in the eyes of shuyukh, awliyaullah, in the eyes of the Prophet (s), all of us we look the same. They want us to have that charger in order for us to function.
As we said in the previous session Allah swt gave us a very important secret, that if we carry that secret we will be able to charge our batteries. That battery, you know, is the heart. The heart is not charged. Don’t say, "O no, my heart is charged.” No it is pumping, that is something else. It has to pump `ishk, infatuation. You know infatuation? What is infatuation, in English? You have to have `Ishk, you have to have love to Allah and love to Prophet in order for that charger to work. That battery is there but it is empty.
What you need to put in battery in order for it to work? Acid. What happens if you put acid on your skin? It burns. Allah made you to need acid in order to run the pump to charge the heart. So what do we need? We need that acid to charge us. That acid will kill all non-acceptable intruders that are not accepted, in the heart. That acid will be burning all the poisonous elements that are in the heart.
Allah gave us way to do that. He gave us His Secret Word, he gave us the Holy Qur'an. He said, "O My servant, you want to be in my home? You want to be in the Ka`bah what do you need ot do? Carry my Qur’an in your heart. Then I give you my Ka`bah, al-`amal bil-Qur’an brings you to… takes you to the House of Allah swt.
What Sayyidina, awliyaullah they pass into a state of love, they cannot control themselves, not all of them but like Sayyidina Bayazid al-Bistami Qaddasallahu Sirrahu, Allah gave him power that can awaken people up.
We come back to Sayyidina Bayazid al-Bistami Qaddasallahu Sirrahu, but before we go there, I will say a story Grandshaykh used to tell about one of the caliphas of say Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani Qaddasallahu Sirrahu, called O'Kallisa Muhammad. Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani Qaddasallahu Sirrahu was living in Merv, near Bukhara and we visited there with Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Qaddasallahu Sirrahu. He has a mureed that mureed was charging, was really a mureed, that was always doing as much as he can and in reading Qur’an and in acting on what he can do.
In khalwat, sometimes you can finish the whole Qur’an in one day. In every hour you finish 3 juz and in 10 hour you finish whole Qur’an. Those who are doing khalwat, daily they can read the whole Qur’an. He was like that, he was reading the whole Qur’an from begin to end. Allah swt made his heart His House. That is what I will give example of Bayazid. And Allah gave him specialty through prophet, from prophet through his shaykh opened secret through his heart, he used ot go form one village to another village not using horse or donkey. They used to go from Central Asia, walking for hajj. Walking.
There was one wali that took 7 years to go to Mecca, Medina but how he goes? Every step he goes, he step, prays 2 rakaats. He has no provision with him. He went carrying only in his heart love of Allah and love of the Prophet (s). One khatwat 2 rakats, one khatwah, 2 rakaats. And Allah provides him. Wherever he is hungry, he finds deer or lamb or goat and takes the milk. He doesn’t take the animal itself. And some animals even used to follow him. 7 years to go and 7 years to come back. How we can do that today? Today we go to get a sheep we need a car.
And we say come at 4:30 we come at 6:30 and we say we are doing so much, we are coming to Fajr and praying and doing tahajjud. Alhamdulillah it is whatever slow movements we are doing.
These awliyaullah: علو الهمة من الإيمان همة الرجال تقلع الجبال himmat ar-rijal takhla` ul-jibal; `uluw al-himmatu mina’l-iman. The zeal of ‘men’ pulls out mountains. High zeal is from faith. It is like a crane, it can take the whole mountain and throw it somewhere else.
So that O'Kallisa Muhammad Qaddasallahu Sirrahu goes from one village to another. He speaks Daghestani language and many awliyaullah speak Farsi language. Moving from one village to another with his foot. And he enters the village and goes on the minbar on the mosque and goes to speak. He is like a magnet. People are attracted. He goes up and Grandshaykh says that “they used to be like 5000, 10,000 people listening to him. He begins to speak and in the middle of his speech, he looks at them and says, [making a sound like clapping] not clapping like he is happy with them, but clapping to make attention to them and says to them ‘now you cry! You cry!’ Then they cry. No on can stop himself from crying.
Allah gave him that power. And he raises his hand and says, ‘Ya Rabbee, all of them are crying repenting from their sins, forgive them.’ Then as soon as he says, that he claps his hands again. ‘Now Laugh!’ and they all laughed and then he says, ‘Ya Rabbee, they are happy with Your mercy. Forgive them.’ Then they feel something. The Prophet (s) is very happy with that. That is his specialty. Allah will forgive them, he is intercessor for them.”
He used to go from one village to another turning people from unbelievers to believers. Where are such people today? They are there, but they are hiding. Too much ignorance today. That fills the earth.
Then when Sayyidina Mahdi Alayhissalam comes, that time there will be too much power. Awliyaullah will show their powers that never were seen before.
So Abayazid al-Bistami Qaddasallahu Sirrahu used to, you know the story, but we are bringing it to know how the heart turns into a house of Allah.
Because when someone is pious and sincere, Allah turns his heart to a House of Allah. That is why he said, "qalb al-mu’min bayt ar-rabb” put that in focus and think about it, “the heart of the believer is the house of God.” The Prophet (s) said that hadith.
And Allah in holy hadith, revealed to the Prophet (s) and the Prophet (s) said:
يقول الله : ما وسعني أرضي ولا سمائي ولكن وسعني قلب عبدي المؤمن
That is why Allah, the Exalted, said, “Neither heavens nor earth contained Me, but the heart of My believing servant contained Me.”
So Bayazid entered a village and this is also what he used to do. And people attracted towards him in the masjid. He said, “Where are you directing your face to make sajda. Where you are directing is not real. Direct it to me. Your sajda will be accepted.”
They were a lot of people. Most of them run and cursed him. A few of them stayed went into sajda and they fainted from the light that was in his heart. Because his heart turned to be a house with the manifestation of Allah’s light in his heart. “Neither heavens nor earth contained Me, but the heart of My believing servant contained Me.”
Contained me contains the manifestation of the blessings of these lights.
And when he said that he is correct. Where is qiblah? We cannot see except the wall. We are not seeing we are blind. We say qiblah is this direction and according to Allah’s order we direct our face to Allah’s qiblah. But is it the same physically the same as not seeing it. That is why when you go to Masjid al-Haram, when you pray, what you do? You have to look at Ka`bah. You don’t look down as when we pray now, we look at where our head is going to make sajda. But when you are at the Ka`bah you look at the Ka`bah, you don’t look at the floor. You look at what Allah made holy. So when you are in presence of awliyaullah their hearts are the symbol of Ka`bah. Their hearts are full of lights. So that is why Bayazid al-Bistami said, "make sajda” and they fainted. Some of them didn’t faint. He said, "You take care of them, Ya Rabbee.” They went into Allah’s love. 300 followed him.
Then he gave them another test to check their hearts. They all ran away except one. That one he said, "You are my calipha in this area.” So where we look is important in order for hearts to be full of light.
As we said before the pilot light is there in the heart.
ما من مولود إلا ولد على الفطرة فأبواه يهودانه وينصرانه ويمجسانه
“Yulid al-insanu `ala al-fitrah – mankind is born on innocence.” That pilot of faith is there for everyone. Today when you want to have warm water, always three is pilot light, it is always on. As soon as you pen the water, the fire comes to heart the boiler. So the pilot light is in the heart of every individual. But what is happening, there is no gas coming. Because it is blocked. If you open it the gas comes and then the pilot is on and anytime you want ot use it the boiler is boiling the water. And how you know it is boiling the water. You see the lid of the pot is shaking because boiling water. So the lid of our hearts must be shaking in order to know it is working.
Sometimes it shakes, `Ali Reza his heart was shaking; he went into a trance of drumming. He cannot any longer control himself and he was taken by them, and many others were like that too. Out of love.
So the secret of Holy Qur'an will turn your heart into a home of Allah swt. Where the lights come in. then you can know how much it is difficult. As the Prophet (s) said,
وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم : أنا أعرفكم بالله وأشدكم منه خوفاً
"ana a`arafakum billah – I am the one that know about your Lord more than anyone.” He is saying to his Sahaba and to everyone. Don’t come and give lesson to me.
Today there are professor who teach philosophy or religion and say we are teaching the Gnostic way. I am the one who is most knowledgeable of Allah don’t come and tell me about your journey. Your journey is like a child only putting feet in the ocean. “Wa ashadukum minhu khawfan - And as much as I know more as much as I am scared more.” Very important. “As much as I know more as much as I am scared more. Scared of what? Scared out of his punishment? In two ways. To punish you when you are not believing in Him you are going to feel punishment, real punishment and when you know Him more then you are punished because you are afraid you will be away from His love. As much as you know Him, the more you feel how much you are far or you fear that “what if He prevents that love from me?” That is why he said wa ashadukum minhu khawfan. Afraid to be away from his love. That is a serious issue here. That means the Prophet (s) is saying what are we going
to do on Judgment Day, when everyone has been called. How are we going to be scared there. If you do something in dunya and the police come to get you, you will be scared. They call them fugitives. Now we are fugitives, running away like rabbits.
Where to run? There is no way to run. You will end up in His hands to be questioned what you have done.
So Allah swt gave us 2 doors. One door coming to him with his Holy Qur'an and the other door to go in more is through the door of Sayyidina Muhammad through the holy hadith of the Prophet (s). so you have 2 sources for the door to open, Holy Qur'an and holy hadith. Man ata ar-rasul faqad ata Allah who obeys the Prophet (s) obeys Allah and who obeys Allah obeys the Prophet (s).
So you follow Qur’an and hadith and you obey and then your heart becomes what? A home for these lights.
Allahuma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa `ala ali Sayyidina Muhammad.
That is why Bayazid al-Bistami said, "al-mu’min al-`arifu, the believer who is a gnostic, will not ask anything from Allah, will not ask dunya and not ask akhira, he will only ask to be in His Divine Presence.”
To be dressed with the power of sainthood and to be given that leadership and to be amir, amir means ….awliyaullah are all umara, they are all amirs. Allah dressed them with that, that is why they are amirs of their group. When will they be dressed? And we end up with this. When they follow the orders of Allah swt and when they are patient with difficulties and when gold and dirt will be one for them and they are not greedy for gold and not disgusted with dirt. If this whole world turns to gold in their hands that doesn’t change them. They are the same. And if you praise them or you humiliate them they are not changed, they are humble. You humiliate them as much as you can and they don’t change.
And al-`ata wal man`a, to give them or prevent them is the same for them.
Wal-jannah wan-naar. You put them in heaven or in fire they are happy with what ever Allah gives them.
Wan-nimah wan-niqmah. They are not disappointed with favors or with niqmah, affliction.
Al-ghina wal-faqr. To be rich and to be poor is equal to them.
Wujood al-khalq wa `adamihim to be with people or be without. If that is the case, then Allah swt will be behind them looking at them and order his holy prophet to sign their affidavit to be amir on his servants and whoever will follow them will benefit.
So you want to be amir, then follow that rule. Who can do that? We cannot.
we cannot do that but we must not say we don’t try. We try. We are able we are able. But you try. May Allah forgive us
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